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HomeBenefits of Coaching

WHAT is coaching and WHY has coaching grown so rapidly?

What is Coaching ICF video

Benefits Of Coaching


Professional coaching brings many wonderful benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence. And, the list does not end there. Those who undertake coaching also can expect appreciable improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals.


Findings from the 2017 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study said globally, 66% of all respondents indicated they were very or somewhat aware of the field of professional business and/or life coaching. Overall, 31% of survey respondents have participated in a coaching relationship (this includes both those being coached and/or those giving the coaching). Respondents who have participated in a coaching relationship as the person being coaching were asked about their satisfaction with their coaching experience. Eighty-eight percent of consumers reported that they were somewhat or very satisfied.


Thirty-one percent of respondents indicated they participated in a professional business and/or life coaching relationship. When asked why they chose to partner with a coach, the most commonly selected response was to “optimize individual/team work performance” (43%), followed by “improve communication skills” (39%) and “increase productivity” (38%). Female respondents were somewhat more likely than male respondents to partner with a coach to increase self-esteem/self-confidence (36% versus 33%), while male respondents were somewhat more likely to partner with a coach to improve business management strategies (33% versus 30%).


For more information on benefits of coaching, visit the ICF Research Portal to review case studies, industry reports, and more.


Source: ICF Global Coaching Client Study was commissioned by the ICF but conducted independently by PricewaterhouseCoopers.